Bottom of the Funnel

Bottom of the Funnel (Bofu)

At the Bottom of the Funnel, or BoFu, potential buyers have reached the decision stage. They are aware of our product and are evaluating it alongside competitors, preparing to make a purchase. Here, our focus shifts to providing compelling reasons why our offering is the best choice, facilitating their decision-making process and guiding them towards conversion.

During the BoFu stage, content should aid potential buyers in making a decision. They are aware of our product and are actively comparing it with competitors, preparing for a purchase. At this point, our focus shifts to presenting convincing reasons why our offering is the superior choice, simplifying their decision-making process and guiding them towards conversion.

Here are examples of content suitable for the bottom of the funnel:

  • Discount Coupons and Codes:
    Incentives such as pop-ups, emails, or text messages featuring reduced prices, enticing immediate purchases at the bottom of the funnel.
  • White Papers and Research Reports:
    In-depth content offering industry insights and data, fostering trust and authority
  • Product Demos and Customer Request Forms:
    Platforms for prospects to seek assistance and schedule product demos, fostering engagement and conversions.
  • Landing Pages with FAQs and Buyer Guides:
    Detailed resources that address final queries and furnish valuable information to drive purchase decisions.

Discount Coupons

Research Reports

Product Demos with Company Partners

Landing Pages

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My mission is to normalise remote working for everyone. I’m happy to connect and discuss how we can work together.