Middle of the Funnel

Middle of the Funnel (Mofu)

Moving down the funnel to the Middle of the Funnel, or MoFu, prospects are now aware of potential solutions to their problem. This consideration stage is critical, as consumers actively evaluate different options. Our role here is to provide detailed information about our specific product or service, addressing their needs and concerns.

During the MoFu stage, our content aims to assist the customer in considering and comparing different options. At this point, our responsibility is to provide detailed information about our specific product or service, addressing their needs and concerns effectively.

Here are examples of content suitable for the middle of the funnel:

  • Segmented Drip Emails:
    Targeted email series delivering valuable content to nurture leads, guiding them towards consideration and evaluation.
  • Interactive Content (tools, worksheets, guides):
    Visual presentations showcasing product features and benefits, engaging leads in the evaluation stage and stimulating purchase intent.
  • Online Classes:
    Educational sessions providing valuable knowledge and skills, engaging leads in the consideration stage and positioning the brand as an expert resource.

Drip Emails

Interactive Content

Online Classes

Let's work together!

My mission is to normalise remote working for everyone. I’m happy to connect and discuss how we can work together.